Personal journey’s shareables
No one knows. Everyone learns
From Consumption to Dedication. From Apprentice to Master. From Constraints to Freedom
Tools to accelerate personal growth
Being who I am is a process supported with challenges and miracles life provides.
Dealing with them resulted in insights and thoughts.
That journey required finding or crafting tools to help me staying in agreement with myself, staying myself, figuring out what is me and what’s not.
I either use them or find powerful, thus sharing some of them. Please check and use for your personal growth.
Simple statement which are generic and specific enough to be clear for your concious and reach your subconscios.
Elaborated texts where I share how my mind sees certain things, situations, ideas. It is not a ultimate truth but an opinion for the sake of further evaluation and mindset improvement.
A concise tool serving a specific purpose of one of areas of your life
A complex system of interconnected tools aiming to help you in addressing multidirectional/multidimensional tasks
This website is to leave a mark, to share thoughts, to share tools that help understanding yourself, people, and the word around better.
Being myself
- Identify your values
- Set goals
- Achieve and grow
Dealing with the world
- Be attentive to what is around
- Respect others
- Don’t expect
Keep asking. The curious mind is the one alive
Bogdan Koretski